Some of you are joining me here in this blog post because you have been taking part in my 11 Day Sacred Sadhana for Beauty & Miracles on my Facebook page .  This is day 10 of 11:)  The 11 Day Sadhana will be up on my page for a limited time.  Beyond the 11 Day Sacred Sadhana though, anyone can sit quietly and get lost in the words, visions, and vibrations of the mantra below…the rest of this post will help you with that.  For those of you taking part in the 11 Day Sacred Sadhana you can follow the full instructions below as they will make sense to you.


The vibration of Beauty and thus the gifts of BEAUTY can be yours , if you chose to get lost in all beautiful things!  Beauty can speak to every cell inside your body when you think, breathe, speak, see, and behave in beautiful ways throughout your day.  Document the experiences as they come into your life so you can keep track of them.  When you recognize BEAUTY by taking note of it and writing it down, the frequency of beauty draws nearer.  The energy of beauty slips away when we have no honor or reverence for it.  Ignoring BEAUTY speaks volumes to the universe that waits for your guidance to create.  No attention or appreciation for BEAUTY, equals NO BEAUTY flowing into your life and being.  It is a plain & simple science.


Today I am giving you an instant boost in vibrational energy to add onto your already beautiful frequency.  I can feel the beauty from this space!  Let’s bump up the vibe so we can keep energy flowing in the right direction.  We have related the power of the one mantra already [Sat Nam].

Yogi Bhajan, master teacher of Kundalini Yoga, created this sacred mantra below especially for women, although the science behind it would work for a man too!  All of the things we have been doing in the 11 Day Sacred Sadhan are influencing your mind, body, and spirit already.  A beautiful cascade of radiant chemical reactions are taking place inside your  physical body. Trust me.  Now if you add this enlightened mantra into the mix of all things, MAGIC will happen!


This was the only English mantra Yogi Bhajan created.  There are no other words to describe this mantra other than POWERFUL!!  Recite the mantra below as you breathe in deeply all Bountifulness, Blissfulness, & Beauty into your life.  As you complete each breath sequence [1 full deep breath in, then retain it, then exhale it], silently recite and listen to the words of this mantra written and within the sample track provided [see link below].  Reflect on the meaning of each word.  Envision each word and experience the feeling inside you, as you remain in Guru Pranam posture.






Practice this powerful mantra given to all women by Yogi Bhajan to help bring the experience of bounty, bliss, and beauty into their being.  What does bounty look like to you?  Feel and see it— from your heart and in your mind’s eye.  Do the same process for the words ‘blissful’, and ‘beautiful’.   After this effort to become saturated with each word, spend some time chanting each word in the mantra out loud on your own or with the link below.  Allow the vibration of the words to stir up beauty vibrations inside your cells even higher!


You can listen to this mantra here.

Bountiful, Blissful, Beautiful by Buchan Kaur

This mantra would be worth having on your playlist so you can carry the Vibration of Beauty with you everywhere you go!

Let me know your experience in the comments below…writing your experience down, and sharing it makes BEAUTY expand in your life!

CLICK ON THE PINK HEART on the home page  and sign in to receive your FREE waterfall meditation, sparkling heart download, and grounding talk about energy.  More ways to live in the vibration of Beauty!





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